Career and Technical Education
Pathway Courses
In order for students to be successful in the construction program, the following student prerequisites are in place:
- C or higher in English (previous year)
- C or higher in Math (last course taken or the instructor can specify the math)
- Instructor approval and TABE Reading Score (eighth grade or higher)
- Instructor approval
Year 1 - Construction Core
Year 2 - Carpentry
In order for the students to be successful in the health sciences program, the following student prerequisites are in place:
- C or higher in English (the previous year)
- C or higher in high school level Math (last course taken or the instructor can specify the level of math instruction needed)
- Instructor approval and TABE reading score (eighth grade or higher)
- TABE reading and math score (eighth grade or higher)
- Instructor approval
- Instructor approval
*It is strongly recommended that students complete this health science core course with a grade of C or higher to advance to the next course of choice.*
Year 1 - Health Science (Core)
Year 2 - Healthcare and Clinical Services
In order for students to be successful in the construction program, the following student prerequisites are in place:
- C or higher in English (previous year)
- C or higher in Math (last course taken or the instructor can specify the math)
- Instructor approval and TABE Reading Score (eighth grade or higher)
- Instructor approval
Welding I & II
Enhancement Courses
CTE Department
The Carroll County School District is in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1962, including regulations in vocational education; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974; and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
District policy assures that no one shall, on the grounds of race, color, age, religion, natural origin, sex, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the school district.

Sara Johnson
Title IX Coordinator

Kizzie Edwards
Section 504 Coordinator